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Page history last edited by Terry McAndrew 13 years, 10 months ago


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Resources produced from Phase I:


Bioscience Pilot OER Project

This was a project designed to explore issues around OER production and release, and to provide the Bioscience community with resources to complement more than 360 credits of course material. All of the resources are either hosted directly on JorumOpen, or linked to from there. These can be found by searching for "bioukoer". Alternatively, resources can also be found with background information from each of our ten contributors on our main Bioscience SC OER website.

Skills for Scientists (Physical Sciences OER)

All Skills for Scientists resources are linked from the project wiki. The majority are hosted on JorumOpen; search for "sfsoer" to be given a complete list. Follow the project on Twitter to hear about new releases.

More information about the project can be found on our website.

CORE-Materials OER Project

All resources are hosted on the CORE-Materials repository developed especially for the pilot project. The resources are also available via JorumOpen and a large number are also available from the popular filesharing sites YouTube, Flickr, Slideshare and Scribd, by searching for "corematerials". Latest news on new releases can be found from our project blog.

Open Engineering Resources Pilot Project

This website provides an overview of this project and also contains the OERP search tool which will surface resources released by this project regardless of where they are hosted.  (Links to all resources resources released by this project are also located in JorumOpen and can be found by searching for 'engscoer'.

Open Educational Repository in Support of Computer Science

Our pilot project brings together teaching modules and materials from five thematic areas in computing science to form the Open Educational Repository in Support of Computer Science. The Repository contains materials from the Project’s five partner institutions: London Metropolitan University, Sheffield Hallam University, Teesside University, University of Portsmouth and University of the West of England, Bristol.  All materials are hosted on JorumOpen.


More information on the Project, can be found on our website http://www.ics.heacademy.ac.uk/projects/oer/index.php 

C-Change - Open licensing of climate change and sustainability resources in the Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

The C-change project has explored the open licensing of educational resources in the GEES disciplines through a themed approach focusing on 'climate change and sustainability'. Full details on the project can be found on the website:



General content repositories

There are numerous repositories of educational materials across the globe where projects can lodge their content (or pointers to it).  In the UK our principal ones are Jorum, JorumOpen and OpenLearn. There is also an 'Exemplary Collection' list of content repositories  available from WikiEducator which gives a basic description of many more potential sources of materials.

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